Last night, our bananas were too ripe, we broke down and turned on the air {so I reasoned that it wouldn’t roast us if I turned on the oven}, plus Dillan was stopping by and he always gives me big props when I bake for him, and I promised a guy I work with that I’d give him some treats because he helped me out of a crisis situation for a wedding last week. All that to say, I tried another new banana bread recipe. I realized yesterday that I’ve made so many loaves of banana bread, but I haven’t ever used the same recipe twice! I really liked this recipe though, so I just might have to break that streak.
I found the original recipe here, but tweaked it after reading some comments and looking in my cupboards. So below is my version of the recipe…and it turned out great. It was a little crumbly, but the taste was fabulous.
Banana-Oatmeal Bread
- 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
- 4 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 2 eggs
- 3 large mashed ripe banana
- 1 cup regular oats
- 1/2 cup fat-free milk
- 1 cup all-purpose flour
- 1 cup whole wheat flour
- 1 tablespoon baking powder
- 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Splash of Mexican Vanilla {this secret ingredient is not pictured below} ;)
- Cooking spray
- Pecans & extra brown sugar {if you want a little topping}

First, you preheat oven to 350°. Then, combine the oil, brown sugar, and eggs in a large bowl {I used my Kitchen Aid stand mixer.}
I decided to add some vanilla that Eugene’s parents brought back for us from their cruise to Mexico.

Mix that on medium until it’s blended well.

In a separate bowl, add your oats and milk.
Mash your bananas {I use a fork…easy peasy.}

Add the bananas to the oatmeal and milk mixture. Stir it together.
Then pour this mixture into your sugar, oil, and egg mixture.
Blend on medium until it’s all mixed in.

In another bowl {I used the emptied bowl I just used for the bananas and oats.} Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and cinnamon.
P.S. using the white and whole wheat flour worked well – gave it a nice texture.
I went ahead and used a heaping scoop of cinnamon ‘cause my boy loves him some cinnamon.
Mix those dry ingredients together well to be sure the baking soda and baking powder are all blended.
Then, you add the dry ingredients to your wet ingredients and blend one last time on medium, until it’s all mixed.
Finally, you’re ready to pour it into your greased bread pan {mine was just larger than a 9” by 5” pan.}. Don’t forget to spray the pan first! ;)

This recipe made one large loaf. Delish.
I added a sprinkle of brown sugar and crumbled pecans for a little topping to the bread. Totally not necessary, but I loved it.
Bake it for 55 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted to the center comes out clear.
Set the pan on a wire rack for 10 minutes to begin to cool, then empty the bread on the wire rack to cool the rest of the way.
Slice it up and serve it to your overly-eager husband and brother-in-law.

Watch it turn into crumbs in a matter of seconds. Um, I’m pretty sure they liked it.
Got a text from my other brother-in-law. Baby Cate took a field trip with her daddy to the aquarium.
You can tell by her big beautiful eyes that she had lots to look at…pretty girl!