Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Second senior session & a story of taking a ride.

Eugene’s sister asked me to take some Senior Pictures for her this Summer, and last week she asked me to shoot a few more pics for her now that the seasons have changed. We went to a local park, froze our tails off, struggled to find any good shade for the pics, but managed to complete a super short session. She wore a shirt with a pink ribbon on it in support & memory of her Aunt Jen.

Here’s a few of the favs from the day…









Ah, pretty girl. :) You can see her first session pictures here & here.

P.S. if you’re new here, I’m not a photographer, nor do I claim to be anywhere close to that. No training, nothing but a bottom-of-the-line kit lens. But I enjoy the way looking through a camera gives me a unique perspective, a fresh way of seeing ordinary things. So, when asked, I happily try to see what my amateur self can capture. :)

Yesterday was a day of answered prayers. God is so good about blessing me {and my family} with clearly answered prayers, and I’m so thankful for that! I’m constantly reminded that life is so uncertain. I’m to the point that I actually expect things to be always in a constant state of change for Eugene & me, but it’s such a relief that God has always been & will always be there for us. He’s our constant & the only constant we need. And that’s the only thing that makes all the changes & uncertainties bearable…even enjoyable.

Back in college, I heard a story that quickly became one of my favorite stories. It’s a story of a traveler. This traveler had been walking, carrying his heavy backpack full of his clothes and supplies for his journey. He had been walking for miles and miles along the side of a road on a hot summer day, when someone in a truck drove towards him and stopped his truck right next to the traveler. The driver asked the traveler if he wanted a free ride, there was a place for the traveler to sit in the back of his truck.  The traveler, very much relieved, thanked the driver & climbed into the back of his truck and sat down. He rode for hours in the back of the truck, but the whole time he kept his backpack on his back while he sat there. See, the traveler was happy to accept the ride. Willing to take the the help, yet he never took the load off his shoulders. He rode the whole way, carrying his heavy backpack even though he all he had to do to make the journey easier was to simply take off the backpack and let go of his load.

We do this to God too. We let Him take us for a ride. We allow Him to take us for a journey, all the while carrying our own burden, unwilling to let Him take the weight off our shoulders. We say we trust Him, and accept His help through life, yet we still stubbornly cling to our heavy belongings.

Let go. Take His ride. And take off your backpack. Feel how light it is when you let Him carry you AND your load.

So all that to say, yesterday’s answered prayers remind me that God is perfectly capable & willing to carry my load for me and my family. And I’m beyond thankful that He’s my driver. Yep, I think I’ll keep taking His ride, laying down my backpack, hanging on tight, and truly enjoying the scenery as I pass through. :)



  1. Great shots!!! I'm sure she loved them♥

  2. You did a great job. The last one is my favorite. Love the colors in that one.:)

  3. LOVE her freckles and that smile! They turned out great and the last one is my very favorite. Great job :)


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