The past few weekends have been centered around family. Most Fridays we have pizza night with Eugene’s family. Sometimes we even get to bring Cate along, and the best cousin friends {I’ve got to come up with a better name than that} get to enjoy a pizza picnic…

The little one met her Great Great Uncle Bob & Aunt Bobbie as they visited from Michigan{along with her oh-so-loved Great (Grandma) Goldie, Grandma, Grandpa, MamaSissy and Cate}. She loved looking through Uncle Bob’s pictures on his camera…

Also during the visit, Eugene got ambushed by the wild girlies…

We attempted a family picture since we were dressed for church that morning. This is the best we got – hair in my face & a scowling little one.

We also got to be there for Auntie Heidi’s senior night for soccer…

The little one loves being outside, and especially loves dancing to the warm-up music, so she’s usually a happy camper at soccer games…

We also tried to visit Eugene during our lunch break a few times. He has been working so hard teaching, coaching golf, and coaching baseball, so there were quite a few days he would leave before dawn and not get back until 9 or 10 at night. Since he didn’t get to see the little one those days, we’d attempt to do a quick drop in to surprise him with a hug. I’m not sure who liked it more, the little one or her Dada. ;)

I’m thankful we live close to both our families, and that our weekends are filled with visits from both sets of parents/grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers, and sisters. It’s been fun watching our immediate family shape and mature as the little one is growing. I’ve been thinking lately about family legacies. We leave a legacy for our families whether we plan to or not and whether it’s positive or not. I pray that Eugene & I are intention about what we want our legacy to be. We’re young, but I want to be cautious not to let my legacy just be a haphazard summary of our busy lives. I want a purposeful {not to be misunderstood for perfect} legacy, one that whispers grace, and mercy, and love. One that is real and raw, showing beauty through honest ashes. One that prioritizes the eternal over the temporary. One that sings God’s song through our children and our children’s children. I’m thankful for those in my family who have left and are leaving a purposeful legacy. And I’m thankful to live everyday moments with them along the way.