Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Lunch date.
Springy tissue paper flowers.
We had a few really dreary, cold, grey days last week, so I decided to add some faux Spring to my life.
I pinned this tutorial for tissue paper flowers, and this picture is really what I used…

I made my flowers quite a bit smaller than “Rust & Sunshine’s” version, and I made some pink dahlias and roses and white daises.
They turned out pretty cute…
I thought they’d be a cheery compliment to my glass knobs and vases…
My little slice of {faux} Spring!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
I found a crate of light pink vases at Ikea a couple weekends ago, and the vases were marked $0.25. I couldn’t just walk by 25 cent vases; it’d be irresponsible! ;)
So I took ‘em home and glittified ‘em for Valentine’s Day…
And here’s the super easy process; it involves double sided tape and glitter…
Yes, it’s as easy as it looks…
One row down…
And three rows…
The glitter isn’t permanent, and there’s so many different options with it. So fun!
I may or may not have gone overboard with project glittify: Ikea vanilla candle with double sided tape and gold glitter…
I’ll share my tissue paper flower project next. Oh, and that gold candle below is my attempt at mercury glass-ish vase {post here} from a couple years ago.
Are you feelin’ the love {of glitter}? ;)
project linked to: seven thirty three, smart schoolhouse, someday crafts, Lil Luna
Monday, January 28, 2013
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Baby Brynn.
I had the privilege of taking pictures of this 14 day beauty this weekend…
She’s a tiny thing, but super cute and full of life! She was wide awake all but maybe 2 minutes of the session…
I met Brynn’s parents in college; my how our lives have changed. Now they’re first time parents and so in love with their new little girl…
I love how she clung to her daddy in this picture…
And {just cause I love it}, I had to include a pic of Brynn’s nursery. How lovely is this! And her mom recovered the glider on her own! {Wow!}
I hope Brynn’s parents enjoy the pictures. To be honest, I always get so nervous when I take photos for people. I’m not a professional, nor do I ever claim to be; I never know if people will like their pictures. I really hope they’re pleased! {With such an adorable subject, how can you go wrong!} :)
Friday, January 18, 2013
My TV debut.
I had to do a 3 minute TV interview for work this week. I was a Communication major in college, so I am comfortable speaking publically; however, I was not looking forward to being on TV. Raido – sure, TV – that’s a different story.
I’m happy to say I made it out of the studio alive. I didn’t fumble my words too much, and other than slouching {a constant struggle for me}, I think I did okay. :)
Here’s a screen shot of the video. {No, I won’t post the video. Yuck.}
I’m just glad it’s over. {Whew!}
Friday, January 11, 2013
Seven months.
The little one is now seven months old. She’s changing extraordinarily each week. This month we made it through her first long sickness – yuck! She’s showing some spunk – yelling aggressively at her toys {mainly the volleyball}, and she pulls my hair like it’s her job! She’s showing some serious stranger anxiety; she hasn’t made it through the church nursery in probably four weeks without me being paged to come get her. Despite her fussiness there, she really is still my happy & chill baby that she’s always been. She’s smart and active, not a great napper, but a fantastic hugger.
Oh, and she said her first word: “Mama.” Well, mainly she cries “Mama” rather than saying it, but still, I think that counts!
She knows her name well, and laughs like crazy at her cousin {typical} or when mommy or daddy pretend they’re going to get her.
She is oh so inquisitive lately…
…and sweet {as always.}
She chews on everything despite the fact that she still has zero teeth in yet {although the amount of drool she’s had over the last 3 months would make you assume otherwise.} She especially likes to chew on the zippers to her coats…
Each day I love her deeper. Makes me appreciate how much God must love us, His children. It’s truly too great for me to comprehend. If I can love this little being whom I didn’t even really create, oh how much more must He must love us.