We started our Fall weekend off with some pumpkin carving.

The little one was fascinated with the stem…

Big cuz joined in on the carving fun…

And the final products…

The next day we enjoyed a Fall Festival at a local church, complete with lamas, bunnies, and more!

She was so brave to hold the bunny!

The little one was apparently worn out from the carving party the night before…

Fun games at the festival…

And then the real fun began – trick or treating. Allow me to introduce you to my chicken…

My sister’s the genius behind the costume selection. We made it out of a few boas, a winter hat with some felt, yellow socks, and some rubber gloves. The bib wasn’t part of outfit plan, but the little one kept trying to eat her feathers. :)

We were given the unofficial “best costume” award by some mom’s walking down the street. Ha!
Of course, big cuz was a chicken too. She has been asking for weeks to be a chicken – so cute!

Yes, the boas are pink tinted with silver tinsel. Had to add a little bling!

My little chicken Chicken Little lost her feet about 5 house in; they just kept falling off, so we stashed ‘em in her pumpkin bucket.

What a fun, memory-making weekend!