Remember my original blood-red living room? Oh, you forgot its horridness? Let me refresh your memory…

Well, we covered it in “winter wheat” paint and showed it a little TLC to get it to here…

This was a hand-me-down couch, free office chairs, etc. After three years of keeping an eye out for a sectional that was reasonably priced, we finally jumped on a deal on this guy…

We sold our old sofa, got the sectional on sale, and then it went even further on sale the next week, so we called the store and got the adjusted price – bringing us to a grand total of $550. {Cha ching!}
We love it; it’s comfortable, has deep cushions which is nice for my long legs, and both Eugene & I can lay on it at the same time without squashing each other. I thought it would make the room look smaller to fill it up with a hunkin’ sofa, but I actually think the space looks bigger. Love it.
And here’s the updated living room now, from virtually ever angle possible…

I was excited to put out some of my Fall decorations too. I love this {splurge} Bath & Body Works Pumpkin Cupcake candle…

And a side-by-side comparison for you fellow before & after fans..

Looks a little different, huh!