To say that I’ve been busy is a gross understatement. I’ve been back to work for a few weeks, dealt with employee drama, threated to fire someone, moved another someone out of my department, attempted to manage my odd schedule of working from the office 2-3 days and from home the other 3-4 days, tried to get the little one used to the new {and changing} schedule, and adjusted to life’s events {i.e. funerals, weddings, showers, etc.}

It’s not been easy. I’m pretty much exhausted. But I’m doing okay – this isn’t a pity party. I’m so blessed to have the opportunity to work from home, but to be honest, it’s ridiculously challenging. I am finding that I feel like everything I do is halfhearted...not to mention the fact that my house is an absolute disaster all the time & I eat cereal for dinner at 9 pm practically every night. I only have enough hands/time/energy to do each task just enough to get by, and that’s not how I like to operate. I’m working on being okay with that {giving myself grace}, and I’m also working on figuring out how to do a better job with a kinder approach {for Eugene’s sake!} ;)

It’s about a week and a half late, but here’s my beautiful little one’s two month picture.

She is growing so much! She’s smiling at us now, cooing and laughing. She loves to move her arms and kick her legs, and she loves watching ceiling fans! Tummy time inevitably results in her falling asleep instead of exercising; however, when she’s not on her tummy, she’s alert and tracking things. {Her grandma swears she’s advanced. :)} She’s in the 75th percentile for height and weight – my proportional, long & lean girl. She’s a calm baby, but has her fussy moments like we all do.

She likes her bedtime routine of a walk around the neighborhood with her pup at 7 pm followed by a bath & bottle, and then bed. She’s sleeping about 5 hours, and always wakes up between 5:30 and 6:00 am. Her newborn clothes are getting too small on her, mainly because of her height.

Eugene’s starting teaching this week, and he’s sad to give up his “daddy days” with her. He loves spending time with her, and he’s great at it.

I love this brown dress that her Great Grandma Goldie gave her. Ah, I love this girl.