
Friday, December 31, 2010

Scoring a deal on steel.

So, we spent a pretty penny last night. And when I say pretty, I’m referring to the shiny stainless steel that will be displayed in our future kitchen {hopefully!}

Now, I realize it sounds crazy that we bought appliances before we even know if we officially have the house, but hear me out. We made sure to check that we can get a 100%, full refund  for the appliances should the house deal fall through, plus the store will hold the appliances for free until we get into our house.

We’ve rushed around the last couple days & spent hours looking at appliances online because many places are having year-end sales and we’ve heard that it’s the best time of year to buy appliances because stores are trying to make room for the new year’s models in their inventory. So we checked out Best Buy, Lowes, Home Depot, Sears, hhgregg, and more. We narrowed it down to Lowes & Sears for the best deals, but we knew there are two factory/outlet stores in Columbus that we’ve heard have some good deals. Last night, we made the hour trip to check it out for ourselves.


First, we went to an outlet factory in Columbus called Appliance Smart. They have a lot of scratch & dent items, but they also carry in-the-box new appliances that are undamaged. We found an incredible package deal on four brand new, untouched Fridgedare appliances. This package was even cheaper than if we were to piece together any of their scratch & dent items. So, we took notes on all the details and decided to head to Sears Outlet just a few minutes away. They had some good deals too, and we could piece together a set that would have three items {no microwave, but we don’t really need one anyway} for about $150 less than the Appliance Smart package; however, every item had some cosmetic damage – a dent on the front, scratch on the corner, etc. None of the problem areas were too bad for us to take the deal, but we decided that we’d be better off & rest easier paying slightly more to get brand new items in this case.

Oh, and after pricing both stainless steel, and non stainless steel, we found that the price difference wasn’t much at all but the return on investment if we wanted to sell the house would be much larger if we went with stainless steel. {Like most people, we found ourselves drawn to houses that had stainless appliances when we were looking at houses on the market.}

So, without further ado, I’m happy to introduce you to our new appliance line-up & their prices at local stores {building suspense to reveal our deal}…

Dishwasher $359.99 at Sears on sale



Range $629.99 at Sears on sale


The range has five burners; the top center one is a warming spot and the bottom right is expandable for a larger pot. {You know you’re getting old when an expandable burner makes you smile!} :)


Refridgerator $1,079.99 at Sears on sale


This baby’s huge compared to what we’re used to!


Over the Range Microwave $249.00 at Lowes


We will probably sell this microwave because we don’t really have room or need it, but we’re going to wait to see how much demo we do on the kitchen cabinets.

Okay, so if we bought these at Lowes & Sears, we would have spent $2,481.29 total. However at Appliance Smart, our final bill, paid in full, {we’re paying cash for each renovation we make to the house. This is important to us.} came to $1,707.96 . That’s a savings of $773.33! Even more significant to us is what we budgeted for these items – we came in $492.00 UNDER budget {plus, our budget didn’t include a dishwasher or microwave.}I’d say that’s a great start to the renovation journey!

I keep laughing at the picture I have in my head of these pretty, new appliances in the super ugly, extremely outdated, dirty kitchen in the house! Eh, just more motivation for all the hard work we’re hoping to do.

Praying hard that we close in January so I don’t to return these pretty things!


Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jumping ahead to Cupid’s holiday.

So, I have some confessions to make. Oh, and please don’t judge me.

  1. Christmas is over, but I still have a pumpkin from Halloween season out in front our our condo. He’s slowly collapsing into mush. But, I have a perfectly sane reason for this – if we get the house, I want to put the pumpkin in the back yard so that we’ll grow our own pumpkins next year.
  2. As of yesterday, December 29, I still had my fall wreath that I made hanging on my door.
  3. Two nights ago, I decided to stay up late & make two wreaths, so in my {dark} pictures I have my snowflake pajama pants on and chipped nasty silver nail polish. Nothing pretty about this truth! {Like I said, don’t judge me! ;)}
  4. I’m not a girly-girl, and I h.a.t.e tulle, but I really love decorating with colorful hearts for Valentine’s Day & liked tulle for this door decoration, not sure why.
  5. I haven’t wanted to blog anything this week because all I can fit in my brain is the millions of thoughts that go along with this…


So, with that said, I decided that it’s too late to make a Christmas wreath for the door, so I might as well skip right through to Valentine’s Day. {Okay, while I’m being honest with the confessions, I might as well tell you that the main reason I decided to do this was because I had everything on hand to make it so it was 100% free!}


Supplies needed – metal coat hangers, red, white, & purple tulle {I had this left over from a wedding a while back at my work}, duck tape, & patience. :)


I just bended my two hangers using some pliers into the shape of a heart, twisting the ends around the wire…


That’s one rough lookin’ heart! Luckily, once it’s covered by the tulle the shape looks much better.


I used my duck tape to cover the loose ends so that I didn’t get scratched hanging it up later & so it wouldn’t snag my tulle.


At this point, I just tied on some white tulle to the end & started wrapping it around to cover the ugly wire.


See the pj’s? Reminder – please don’t judge! ;)


Once I covered the wire, I tied it at the bottom of the heart & cut off the excess.


Now, I just used small sections of tulle and tied your every-day bow using each color of tulle onto the wire.



Keep on keepin’ on with the bow process & eventually you’ll make it to this…


Now, I didn’t love the way it looked hanging directly on the hook, so I added some tulle & it helped a bunch.


Total cost for this project = $0.00. Love that  {so much!} It’s super girly but I still surprisingly like it, and I even tried hanging an ornamental “S” in the middle of the heart {for our last name}, but since the door has a “D” already, it was a bit letter overload.

What do you think? Too much fluff, or just enough sweetness? <3



Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I love Lucy.

I can’t believe I forgot to post the pictures of the I Love Lucy tribute that we visited in Universal during our Orlando vaca a few weeks ago.


I’ve been a crazy fan of the show I Love Lucy since I was a little girl. I’m not sure why, but I’m drawn to the honest hilarity, slapstick comedy, and the over-the-top acting by Lucille Ball. She mesmerizes me, along with millions of people all over the world, from the moment that black & white heart is drawn on the show’s first scene.

Universal Studios had a small museum/tribute with some artifacts and awards from the show’s past. If you’re a fan like me, you’ll find this interesting too {if not, just come back for a new post tomorrow!}

I find Lucille Ball incredibly gorgeous & totally original…


Here’s some of Lucy’s costumes for the show….


Hand-marked script of a show…


There were two walls full of awards and recognitions. When you read about the impact this show had on our country, even the world, it’s pretty amazing. {For example, the show’s dubbed into more than 22 different languages, showed an interracial couple, was named by TV Guide as the most important television series of all time, showed a woman pregnant – although they never said the word “pregnant” on the show.}


The set layout and camera arrangement were cutting edge at that time…


This makes me crave a little candy factory & vitameatavegemin! Oh, I love Lucy {so much!}


Facts from

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas day unwrapped.

Like the cleaver corny pun in the title? ;)

Christmas day we bounced from house to house & family to family just as we did Christmas Eve. We’re so blessed to have both our families within the same city.

We woke up and Eugene read the pup & I the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke 2. Then we prayed together and then let the pup enjoy the goods from his stocking – a new collar & leash, a tie post, and a big chew bone. He pulled the bone out himself & was pretty pleased!


Eugene hit my wish list perfectly – I got some mini muffin tins, nutella, and two fleece hooded sweatshirts. Also, a big shout out to my sister who also crossed off another item from my wish list – Burberry Brit perfume. MMMM~!


The pup just wanted to play once he finished peeking into his stocking…


I gave Eugene a baseball hat he’s been wanting for a couple years now.


We then headed over to his parents’ house to exchange gifts with them. We lucked out & scored this awesome drill/saw/light combo. We’re super pumped to put it to use when we finally close on the house {hopefully!}


Then we headed to his grandparents place where we watched the Grinch & then heard the Bible story of Jesus’ birth again {Can’t hear it too much though!}


His little cousin did an amazing job reading the passage.


And we were blessed, yet again, with another great gift – a wall projector. We’re thinking this is going to be a great item to have for our future {hopefully} basement in the house we’re trying to buy.


And finally, after this, we headed to dinner at my parents’ place. We gave my parents their gifts & they spoiled us with ours – a skunk toy that Espn absolutely loves, an entire new set of pots & pans, boots, clothes & tons more!



We were overwhelmed with our family’s generosity & so thankful for the blessings we received on Christmas day!

Oh, and we also watched this adorable video…

P.S. We got great news yesterday that the bank who owns the house we’re trying to buy{see here for more details on the ordeal.} The bank has agreed to pay for the septic tank to be replaced AND for the plumbing that needs done in the basement. AMAZING MIRACLE! We’re not completely out of the woods yet, still need an appraisal done, but we’re one heck of a big leap closer to being first time homeowners! {I think it’s an understatement to qualify this as a WONDROUS THING!}

God sure does know what He’s doing. And I’m beyond blessed by His love He lavishes on us!


Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve traditions.

Eugene & I merged family traditions on Christmas Eve once we got married.

Eugene’s family has a tradition of a family Christmas Eve breakfast every year. It’s a full-out morning feast, and once they’re officially stuffed, the siblings open gifts from each other {saving the gifts from their parents for Christmas Day.} I brought some Cranberry Orange Bread I had frozen along with the much requested Monkey Bread {recipe to come.}



I’m knitting Dillan a Griffindor scarf – idea from our recent trip to Wizarding World of Harry Potter.


Eugene got a bag of his favorites – Reds, Mt. Dew, Skittles, Doritos, the list goes on…


I think his sisters liked their girly gifts {make up bags, nail polish, eye shadows…


Even the pup joined in the festivities at his parents’ place.


Then in the evening, they do a {highly competitive and intense} $5.00 gift exchange with his mom’s family. Some gifts are serious, some are, well, not so serious. But either way, the exchange always gets cut-throat. Here’s the gift Heidi fought over…


Every Christmas Eve in my house growing up, we went to the candlelight evening church service, then that night we unwrapped a special gift that was always new pajamas, and my dad would read Twas the Night Before Christmas to us as a family before bed. I loved this evening of tradition as a kid {and still do.}


So after church, Eugene & I enjoyed opening our p.j.’s together at my parents’ place. I got an awesome Victoria’s Secret flannel pajama set…


For some {weird} reason, my mom always buys the STRANGEST pajama bottoms for Eugene & my brother-in-law. Seriously – it’s amazing! I have no clue where she finds these things! These molded by my handsome hubby are cotton p.j.s designed to look like jeans {from the 80’s?} And my brother-in-law got some that look like chaps {I don’t have a picture of those…you can thank me later!}


How bout that button fly. Oh boy.

Christmas Eve is always busy for us. But that makes me appreciate the silence and reverence every time the lights go dim and the candles are lit in the church service. I love all our family traditions, but even more than those, I love the purpose for the celebrations. One quiet night years and years ago, our Savoir was born, and oh how thankful I am for Him.
