
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Jumping ahead to Cupid’s holiday.

So, I have some confessions to make. Oh, and please don’t judge me.

  1. Christmas is over, but I still have a pumpkin from Halloween season out in front our our condo. He’s slowly collapsing into mush. But, I have a perfectly sane reason for this – if we get the house, I want to put the pumpkin in the back yard so that we’ll grow our own pumpkins next year.
  2. As of yesterday, December 29, I still had my fall wreath that I made hanging on my door.
  3. Two nights ago, I decided to stay up late & make two wreaths, so in my {dark} pictures I have my snowflake pajama pants on and chipped nasty silver nail polish. Nothing pretty about this truth! {Like I said, don’t judge me! ;)}
  4. I’m not a girly-girl, and I h.a.t.e tulle, but I really love decorating with colorful hearts for Valentine’s Day & liked tulle for this door decoration, not sure why.
  5. I haven’t wanted to blog anything this week because all I can fit in my brain is the millions of thoughts that go along with this…


So, with that said, I decided that it’s too late to make a Christmas wreath for the door, so I might as well skip right through to Valentine’s Day. {Okay, while I’m being honest with the confessions, I might as well tell you that the main reason I decided to do this was because I had everything on hand to make it so it was 100% free!}


Supplies needed – metal coat hangers, red, white, & purple tulle {I had this left over from a wedding a while back at my work}, duck tape, & patience. :)


I just bended my two hangers using some pliers into the shape of a heart, twisting the ends around the wire…


That’s one rough lookin’ heart! Luckily, once it’s covered by the tulle the shape looks much better.


I used my duck tape to cover the loose ends so that I didn’t get scratched hanging it up later & so it wouldn’t snag my tulle.


At this point, I just tied on some white tulle to the end & started wrapping it around to cover the ugly wire.


See the pj’s? Reminder – please don’t judge! ;)


Once I covered the wire, I tied it at the bottom of the heart & cut off the excess.


Now, I just used small sections of tulle and tied your every-day bow using each color of tulle onto the wire.



Keep on keepin’ on with the bow process & eventually you’ll make it to this…


Now, I didn’t love the way it looked hanging directly on the hook, so I added some tulle & it helped a bunch.


Total cost for this project = $0.00. Love that  {so much!} It’s super girly but I still surprisingly like it, and I even tried hanging an ornamental “S” in the middle of the heart {for our last name}, but since the door has a “D” already, it was a bit letter overload.

What do you think? Too much fluff, or just enough sweetness? <3




  1. This is so cute, thanks so much for dropping by my linky party. Hope to see you next week. Good luck with the house!

  2. LOVE it =) You did a fantastic job & with everything ON hand to boot! Love the pj's - that's what I live in these days!!


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