
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas day unwrapped.

Like the cleaver corny pun in the title? ;)

Christmas day we bounced from house to house & family to family just as we did Christmas Eve. We’re so blessed to have both our families within the same city.

We woke up and Eugene read the pup & I the story of Jesus’ birth from Luke 2. Then we prayed together and then let the pup enjoy the goods from his stocking – a new collar & leash, a tie post, and a big chew bone. He pulled the bone out himself & was pretty pleased!


Eugene hit my wish list perfectly – I got some mini muffin tins, nutella, and two fleece hooded sweatshirts. Also, a big shout out to my sister who also crossed off another item from my wish list – Burberry Brit perfume. MMMM~!


The pup just wanted to play once he finished peeking into his stocking…


I gave Eugene a baseball hat he’s been wanting for a couple years now.


We then headed over to his parents’ house to exchange gifts with them. We lucked out & scored this awesome drill/saw/light combo. We’re super pumped to put it to use when we finally close on the house {hopefully!}


Then we headed to his grandparents place where we watched the Grinch & then heard the Bible story of Jesus’ birth again {Can’t hear it too much though!}


His little cousin did an amazing job reading the passage.


And we were blessed, yet again, with another great gift – a wall projector. We’re thinking this is going to be a great item to have for our future {hopefully} basement in the house we’re trying to buy.


And finally, after this, we headed to dinner at my parents’ place. We gave my parents their gifts & they spoiled us with ours – a skunk toy that Espn absolutely loves, an entire new set of pots & pans, boots, clothes & tons more!



We were overwhelmed with our family’s generosity & so thankful for the blessings we received on Christmas day!

Oh, and we also watched this adorable video…

P.S. We got great news yesterday that the bank who owns the house we’re trying to buy{see here for more details on the ordeal.} The bank has agreed to pay for the septic tank to be replaced AND for the plumbing that needs done in the basement. AMAZING MIRACLE! We’re not completely out of the woods yet, still need an appraisal done, but we’re one heck of a big leap closer to being first time homeowners! {I think it’s an understatement to qualify this as a WONDROUS THING!}

God sure does know what He’s doing. And I’m beyond blessed by His love He lavishes on us!



  1. Thank you for sharing that post on Pioneer women! It was great! Looks like you had a great Christmas. Hope you have a Happy New Year!!

  2. So funny! I am finding we have more and MORE in common! ha! I was super excited cause Jake got me some Brit for Christmas too!!!! :) We're going to be smelly twins... wow... that's corny.

  3. Sarah - you have great taste in perfume & interests, lol!


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