
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Cutie pie.

Happy Memorial Day from our little cutie pie. :)




P.S. the flipped hair below is not natural…just messed up hair from her nap, ha!



Girl loves to swing.


We’re so thankful for all who have fought and continue to fight for our freedom. Hope ya’ll have a happy holiday. :)


Friday, May 24, 2013

Tiny details.

It’s really amazing to me how intricately made each of us are. God knows the number of hairs on our head.


He formed the creases on our hands, chose the exquisite color combination of our eyes, shaped our smile perfectly.


And each tiny atom of our body is worked together in absolute precision to form a functioning purpose…all by Him.


“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made;
your works are wonderful,
I know that full well.” Psalm 139:14

The longer I study the intricately lovely details of my little one, the more fully I understand and appreciate Psalm 139:14. His works are wonderful. I know that full well.


Thursday, May 23, 2013

New garage door.

You know you’re old when…

      you get excited about a garage door.

Yep, that’s me. We have replaced a ton of big items on our house: new roof, new bathroom ceiling, new windows, new septic tank, new water softener, new washer & dryer, new kitchen appliances, new waterproofing system in the basement, and now a new garage door!


Our old {really old} garage door was most likely the original door from the 50s. It was chipping paint terribly and the opener didn’t work either.


The only thing good looking in the photo above is the little girl playing with her pinwheel flower {that she is obsessed with.} I’ll digress with some pinwheel photos for a second…




Digression complete.


Garage doors are stupid expensive, in my humble opinion. I really wanted to keep putting our extra money towards paying off our college loans early, but we also knew there was a chance this chippy paint could be lead paint. Not cool. Especially not cool now that the weather’s nice and we have an outdoor-lovin, mobile little one. No matter how stupid expensive the garage door might be, it’s worth it to get rid of the potential of lead paint.


The first quote we received for a new garage door totaled a couple hundred dollars short of $3,000. {YIKES.} We shopped around garage door specialty stores, called Lowes {got it down to $1,400}, and finally went to Menards and found an insulated door, opener, and contracted installation for a total of $1,100. There’s also an added bonus that the garage door is locally made about 40 minutes away from our house.


Oooh. Ahhh. Pretty white garage door.


And and earlier “before” with old windows, bushes, etc. {Roof is new, so this “before” isn’t even the official first “before.”}


Eugene made a good point; he said it’s funny that the house doesn’t look that much different now because the garage door doesn’t catch your attention {in a bad way} anymore. ;)


Safer. Prettier. Cleaner. Happier.


Monday, May 20, 2013

Instagram dump.

If you follow me on instagram, sorry for the duplicates. Here are some recent photos of our daily doings, most of which capture my daily wondrous thing…


Polka dots & more polka dots.

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Dinner outside with my girl. {Love.}

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A late night cleaning session resulting in a picked up house – a rarity around here.


We were making silly faces at each other during dinner.

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Apparently, her naps are my wondrous things often, ha. But seriously, she’s a real-life sleeping beauty.



She was a {messy} fan of the lasagna noodles this night.

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Mother’s Day: my reason to celebrate & me.


And at Eugene’s last baseball game for this season…


I’ve read a lot of people saying that Instagram ate their blog. It’s true here to probably, but I still like to repost them every now and then just so I can keep it all together here to remember. I love looking back through my wondrous things in photos. {Joy.}


Friday, May 17, 2013


She’s a climber. And she’s quick. Very quick.

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photo 4

photo 5

I get a workout in just trying to keep up with this stinker!


Thursday, May 16, 2013

Look how she’s grown.

Just one more photo to add, and we’ll have a full year of growth.

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Amazing, isn’t it?!


Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Eleven months.

The little one’s just a month away from being a one-year-old! Crazy, I tell you.

11 months-horz

It’s just incredible to look back to just a month ago and see how much she has changed. She now has two more teeth, walks on her own, and knows so much more. She can make/imitate faces, make the sound for a monkey & a dog. laugh socially {when everyone else laughs, so does she}, climb steps {and sit on the dishwasher door}, blow kisses, give hugs, and come on command. Oh, and she has started throwing tantrums when she doesn’t get her way…already. I know I’m biased, but I think she’s a smarty pants, and it’s been awesome to watch her mind develop.


She’s super curious – opening every door, drawer, and pocket she can find.


And the girl loves being outside, especially at daddy’s baseball team’s games.


She’ll get on her tippy toes when she’s excited or intrigued…


My niece gave the little one her amber teething necklace to wear for a while. It’s that sweet of her to share? It’s supposed to help calm them and sooth the pain from teething. {Fingers crossed that it helps.}


And she loves her pup. “Dog” is the third word she said, and it’s without a doubt her most used word. It sounds a little more like “Dah” but she says it every time she sees him, and she’ll bark back to him in this little high-pitched sound. {Adorable.}


I’d say about 50% of the time he loves her too, the other 50% he just tolerates her. ;)


Between the teething and her nasty cold this month, it’s been one of the more rough months, if I’m being honest. She’s been grumpy and not napping well. She’s getting independent, and she gets frustrated that she can’t do things on her own {like climb on a chair to sit on it or tell me that she wants down instead of up.} But with the challenges, it’s been awesome seeing the giant leaps she’s made this month with the walking and comprehending more.


Some of the ladies at church say that her hair is like a baby duckling. I pretty much agree. Love that fluff…


She has been such a sweet blessing to us the past 11 months.


On completely superficial note to end the post, I love the little baby girl rompers…seriously cuteness overload!
