
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

A worn out pup and an overdue recipe.

I’m not sure whether I’ve mentioned this or not, but the pup has this thing about sleeping in our room. He will military crawl his way under the bed to where his tail is in the center of the bed with his head sticking out just under the bed skirt – even though I set out a really nice pillow on the floor for him to sleep on. No matter how many times I see him do it, I still laugh at it! Last night, I had to take the picture of the weirdo {it was with my cell phone, so it’s really hard to see, but you get the idea.}


I took him on a 20 minute run yesterday after work, then I took him into Petsmart to buy dog food {uh, that’s tricky to push 40 lbs of food in a cart, pull him along, and sign for a credit card purchase!}, and then we went to Eugene’s parents’ place again to visit & check on the brother. So the pup was definitely worn out! {P.S. even though he makes me laugh, I’m pretty mad at him still though because he ate part of our baseboard & wall in the living room. ARGH!}

Okay to jump ships to another topic, I promised the recipe for banana bread in a bread machine a LONG time ago. Finally, here it is. I found two recipes to work from here and here, and {as always} made a few tweaks by changing the oil ingredient to applesauce and added cinnamon & vanilla.

Bread Machine Banana Bread

  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon baking soda
  • dash of cinnamon
  • 1/2 cap of vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 2/3 cup mashed bananas
  • 1/2 cup chopped walnuts {or pecans}

First you want to spray your bread machine pan. Then it’s a little open for interpretation - some people posted that you can just dump everything in your bread machine and let it do all the work, but I decided to mix the stuff a little first.


I mixed the applesauce, milk and eggs together and add the cinnamon & vanilla here if ya want.


Then I added the flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder, and salt.


And my lovely husband helped by mashing up the ripe bananas {the browner they are the better the bread tastes!} Add the mush & your nuts.


From there, I dumped it in the machine and selected the Quick Bread/Cake cycle & pressed Start.


After about a minute, you’re supposed to check to see if it’s all mixed together.


Then, let it do it’s job and take the bread out when it beeps at ya and it’s had time to cool.


Eugene really loved this bread, but I’m still on the traditional side – I prefer baking it in the oven. Don’t get me wrong, it was really good, but I just like the oven recipes better. :)


Plus, when you make it in the machine, your pretty loaf gets a big, fat, ugly hole in the bottom from the mixer piece. Not a fan of that.


But I was impressed that everything was evenly baked with a nice brown crust.


Perfect on a Sunday morning before church with a mocha coffee drink.



  1. I have a different bread machine it doesn't have that setting you are using would the expressbake be similar to your setting it bakes it in 58 mins

  2. I make this on a regular basis and recommend it to everyone. Im trying it tonight with chocolate powder in it!


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