
Friday, February 15, 2013

I have all I need.

My Valentine and I chatted a few times throughout the day on the computer while we were at work. He called me at 7 while I was feeding the little one sweet potatoes, just to make sure I made it home okay. Then around 7:45 pm we saw and spoke directly to each other for the first time on Valentine’s day, and most of our talk was about getting the little one bathed and in bed. He had parent-teacher conferences after teaching, I was at work, and that’s how our lives go some days. I left him a note in the morning, and he left me a note and homemade flower in the afternoon. And we spent Valentine’s night with a crying and super unhappy baby between us in our bed. 


No, it wasn’t a romantic, special night for us – far from it. We rarely have those. But you know what? I don’t need them. I have all I need.

I have a husband who loves God, who loves me, who is humble, who admits he isn’t perfect, who is selfless, who makes sacrifices for me, who leads my family for God, who shows me grace when I fall short {which is often.}

And to top it off, I have a beautiful baby girl, one whom I’ve prayed for years.

I’ve learned more than ever lately, that I’m beyond blessed to have this man as my gift. It’s not something I take for granted. So we may not have had a romantic Valentine’s Day, and we might not have a romantic Valentine’s Day for a handful of years. But that’s not what I need.

I have all I need. {And I am so blessed.}


1 comment:

  1. Amen and amen! This just made my heart so happy for all three of you. What an example you are loving for that sweet baby girl (who I hope has a much happier night tonight).


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