
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Work with what ya got, bedroom.

I’m slowly working my way through the rooms of our house to spiff ‘em up enough to where we can have guests and not have to appologize for the mess. I still have many details to finish in each room, but so far I’m feeling much better about the kitchen, living room, and much needed bathroom. Saturday morning, I had two hours to do what I could to get our guest bedroom in order. I bought a cheap-o rug for twenty bucks & a $10 pair of tab curtains from Ikea a while back, so other than those two small purchase, my theme for this room is “work with what ya got.” We still have a lot to do in the kitchen & flooring for the bathrooms, so we’re looking to keep this room to a minimum in terms of costs. The only other purchase for this room thus far is two curtain rods on clearance from Walmart that were marked $11, but actually cost only $7 apiece.


The total room has cost me a whopping $44.00 making good use of the existing squash-yellow paint {not the prettiest but it’ll work until I buy some light gray}, a clearance comforter I purchased a year or so ago from Walmart, a cedar chest I got for my high school graduation, a gifted dresser, and some old lamps I had on hand. Although it’s not exactly the most beautiful room, or even necessarily what I’d pick out if I had the choice, I still think it looks nice & open, comfortable, and practical for a guest to stay overnight. Not to mention, I’d make them these in the morning, so they’d love staying over no matter what! ;)

image source

So here are the before & after shots…



Note the nice roll shades hung way too low on the one window and non-matching blinds on the other. Nice.



BEFORE {our realtor & Eugene about to check out the attached half bath}:



{Don’t mind the poster stored in the corner, it’s final destination is TBD}.








The curtain rods I bought on clearance were a bit shorter than I needed for the wall with the bed {my bad}, but I had a stroke of genius & rememberd that I had this old, smaller curtain rod from our apartment.


I lost the brackets to it & won’t be using it in this house, so I used the middle pole to lengthen the new rod, and it worked perfectly!


Sure, you can tell it’s a little different, but with the curtains on it, no one but me {and now everyone in blogland} would ever notice!



We think we might try to build a day bed frame – like this one for $50– for the room...someday, maybe.

{image source}

And I’ll probably pick up another pair of curtains for each window to buff ‘em up a bit next time I head to Ikea. Like I said, I’d like to go with a light gray paint too, but honestly, this room’s pretty low on the to-do list so it might be a while!


It feels much better having an organized, usable guest room in our house. And while it’s not the most chic space, it’ll certainly work for now…especially for only $44.00!


1 comment:

  1. that looks sooooo great! i actually like the gold walls. they make the room really warm and cozy. well done. andiejaye@


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