
Monday, January 3, 2011

It’s a new year full of potential.

I’m excited for 2011. We’ve had a boatload of wondrous things & changes in 2010 – birth of baby Cate, Eugene landing a long-term subbing job and then a full-time teaching job, Eugene taking on two coaching jobs, bringing home our great pup Espn, moving from one apartment to our condo {the list goes on} – but I’m thinking that 2011 could be a year of even bigger wondrous things & even more changes. :)


I don’t really have any resolutions this year, or at least nothing written out and carved in stone. I’ve considered a few life matters I’d like to improve upon though. Not necessarily as a task list for this year, but a perspective I hope to keep as I get older.

I pray that I become a better wife,

more selfless and thoughtful.

I pray that I become a better giver,

more wildly generous and heartfelt.

I pray that I become a better follower of Christ,

more positive and brave.

I pray that I become a better example,

more trusting and immersed in the Word.

We enjoyed celebrating the New Year with our small group from church of other newlyweds. Enjoyed food & some competitive group games.




Here’s the girls from our Cleaver’s small group…


Then, out of a longstanding tradition, Eugene & I went over to Libby & Scott’s house to watch the ball drop. Scott got home just in time for the to get depressed while watching Dick Clark & a crowd of crazy people count down {who the heck was that girl with the bright blue lipstick next to Ryan Seacrest?!}. I just feel so sorry for Dick Clark. Anyway, we enjoyed some quality time with great friends. And we’re super pumped for baby Griffin to make his debut sometime this month!


Also, on the home front, we {finally} have the appraisal scheduled for the house we’re trying to buy. So with that last large step in the process, we’re praying that God blesses us with a new home in 2011!


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