
Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The heavens declare.

Lately, the sun has been setting at the same exact time I’ve been getting in my car to go home from work. I’ve rushed home to try to catch it in time to snap a few pictures {because I never get tired of taking sunset photos}, but each time, I’m just a hair too late. So this week, I pulled over. Walking in an empty random parking lot, I stopped to listen to the skies declaring His glory.


And I snapped some pics to remember the beautiful color pallet He chose for that particular evening. It floors me how God can create a sunset and sunrise every day for countless years, yet every sunset and sunrise is unique – different colors, different flares, different fades, different angles. He’s amazing, really.


I rarely do much{if any} editing to pics I take of sunsets & rises…God’s work is too beautiful to touch.


Cold winter sunsets make warm golden red tones.


And, to add wondrous thing to wondrous thing, I caught the start of the sunset this morning getting in my car to head to work.



This morning, I’m trying to focus on the peace God offers with each sunset and sunrise. Every day the sun sets and rises. Every day. Ever think about that? It’s a miracle really, every day. He is constant, reliable, and never fails. God never leaves us in the dark for long. And I’m praising Him for the sunrise today.



Sweet Shot Day imageimage


  1. When I think I just can't see a more beautiful sunrise or sunset, it happens again. Lovely post :)

  2. i love your message and your pictures!!

  3. "It floors me how God can create a sunset and sunrise every day for countless years, yet every sunset and sunrise is unique..."

    LOVE that!

    STUNNING photos! He is so creative, isn't He?

  4. Beautiful captures. Thanks for linking up.


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