
Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Even the birds have found a home.


Our small group last night enjoyed a discussion on the mistakes many newly married couples tend to make & suggestions for avoiding them. We talked about buying a house, saving for retirement, staying out of debt…all things that are of high interest to me. I enjoy talking about household finances for some reason. I just always feel like I can never know enough about it, even if I’m hearing the same advice many times in a row – still helpful.

Eugene & I asked for prayers as we keep moving towards purchasing a house. We’ve talked through so many different scenarios, weighed lots of options, calculated our budget and needs countless times. But no matter how much I plan and prepare for experiences such as these, I am still all too aware that God is the ultimate decider. We’ve had such flips in our plans, that we’re realistic about the fact that all we can be sure of is that God’s in complete control – not us – and that He promises to provide for our every need. The house decision is a weighty on, and since I am a very concerned person when it comes to my finances, I still notice that I’m worrying about the whole purchase in the back of my mind. Despite knowing that He’s in control, I worry. {Ridiculously human.}

Anyway, all this to say that, after all that financial talk & house discussions, last night Eugene read the first verse to our devotion, and you know what it said?

“Even the sparrow has found a home, and the swallow a nest for herself, where she may have her young--a place near your altar, O LORD Almighty, my King and my God.” – Psalm 84:3

Another hit over the head for me! Even the sparrow has found a home. All these hours upon hours of searching online & visiting houses…even the birds find a home for cryin’ out loud! Stop your worrying – He will provide a home for us, just as he does for all of his creation. Yes, even the birds have found a  home.

Oh, and to top it off, my devotion that I get emailed every morning was titled Sparrow’s flight this morning & it ended with “His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.” Thank you, God, for making things obvious for me this morning.

Hope you enjoy the Fall foliage pictures I took on Sunday. It was such a beautiful day.






"You thrill me, Lord,

with all you have done for me!

I sing for joy

because of what you have done."

Psalm 92:4



  1. Beautiful shots! Love the sun flare.

  2. Oh wow, I love these!! And I love fall. We don't see this for a long time. I'm from down south.


  3. Thanks for the compliments Danelle & Susan! Autumn's definitely setting in here in Ohio. :)

  4. Love the fall shots!


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